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Our PeopleSafetycommitments

ITW Automotive OEM Segment Sees Safety Improvements

For many ITW Automotive OEM divisions, dedication to safety begins with the onboarding process.

At ITW, we believe all accidents can be prevented when our colleagues take the initiative to create safe work environments everywhere. Our Automotive OEM segment provides numerous examples of ITW colleagues coming together to keep each other safe. This was achieved through division-driven initiatives such as those described below.

For many ITW Automotive OEM divisions, such as Smart Components, dedication to safety begins with the onboarding process. By sharing our expectations for safety with new hires on day one, they are prepared to embrace a safety mindset from the start. Broad safety orientation is provided, in which they are briefed on the Enterprise Safety Strategy, our safety culture, environmental, health & safety and sustainability (EHSS) policies and more.

To help build and maintain 100% employee engagement – a key pillar of our Enterprise Safety Strategy – Smart Components initiated a safety audit process whereby all colleagues are expected to complete routine safety walks throughout their facilities. In doing so, everyone is encouraged to “see” safety as part of their everyday responsibility. Safety walks also drive safety improvements as potential issues are proactively identified and resolved. Semi-automated safety alerts driven by safety walk observations are also communicated to all colleagues throughout the division. Since 2022, more than 1,000 safety alerts have been issued.

In addition to potential issues discovered on safety walks, Smart Components conducts safety assessments to help identify and address ergonomic issues that could otherwise lead to muscular skeletal disorders. Data is collected using a third-party software application that identifies risks using smartphone recordings of work activities. Work posture issues that pose ergonomic risk, such as excessive pulling, pushing or neck movement, are readily identified.

Through these efforts, Smart Components and other divisions within ITW’s Automotive OEM segment set an example to inspire other ITW businesses around the world to continuously improve safety performance.

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