For Jillian Economy, Quality Engineer at ITW Construction Products – Global Tool Unit, the decision to transition from intern to full-time employee at ITW was a simple one.…
At ITW, our commitment to diversity and inclusion (D&I) is core to who we are as a company. D&I brings out the best in us – in our teams, our workplaces, and our employees, but it also brings out the best in our innovations.…
ITW’s Automotive Engineered Fasteners & Components team is committed to driving efficiencies in its operations. At its plant in Enkenbach, Germany, ITW cools manufactured plastic parts and tools using a cooling and chilling equipment system.…
On your bikes, get set, go! With Hobart’s new company bike plan, the Hobart staff can lease electric and conventional bicycles at a favorable price. Thus, the warewashing specialist offers its staff an ecological and healthy alternative to commuting by car.…
As shared in our 2017 CSR report, ITW GSE developed the ITW GSE 7400 ground power unit (GPU), a low-emission innovation that utilizes battery power as opposed to conventional diesel fuel. At the time, this cleaner technology was trialed at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol in the Netherlands…