As a Vice President/General Manager of an ITW business, my job is to position our people, our products and our customers to win. Unlike similar roles in other industrials, Vice President/General Managers are empowered to think and act like a business owner, with full functional control and…
Tammy Spears and Cordell Brooks, wife and son of ITW-FEG Warewash Hobart employees Jeff Spears and Thomas Brooks in Danville, Kentucky, teamed up to 3D print plastic components for The Montana Mask. Tammy, a middle school Library Media Specialist, and Cordell…
Many companies have robust frameworks and initiatives to advance their diversity and inclusion efforts. Increasingly, we see more diversity in our leadership teams and our corporate boards. Many of us continue to work on enhancing STEM education to attract more girls and young women…
For Charlie Pryor, Applications Engineer at Instron, a typical day centers around making sure Instron’s customers have the best-possible testing solutions for their needs. Charlie is passionate about every aspect of his role and has used ITW to build a global network for himself…
Across all ITW’s businesses, we are continuously looking for ways to improve our environmental performance. Consistent with our commitment to continuous improvement in reducing our environmental impact, ITW has established a company-wide greenhouse gas emissions intensity…